Life in Birmingham is pretty sweet, but it’s nice to get away every once in a while. Here, we share relaxing countryside excursions, brilliant day trips, and the best places to visit in the UK, plus some exciting international travel inspiration!
If you’ve already planned next year’s holiday, then some additional paperwork might be needed before you check in. According to the Guardian, an all-new scheme introduced by the European Union now obliges UK...
Who’s excited about a new season of The Gentlemen on Netflix then? Where old money clashes with drug-smuggling gangsters, Guy Ritchie’s new TV series is an instant classic. After Eddie inherits the title of Duke of Hals...
Birmingham doesn’t have any beaches of its own (unless you count the annual Birmingham Beach), but all it takes is a slither of sunshine for Brummies to fill the car with towels, windbreaks, buckets and spades, and swim...
It’s been 17 years since the Metropolitan Police’s Sergeant Nicholas Angel was reassigned to Sandford in Gloucestershire and uncovered a murderous village green conspiracy. Edgar Wright’s buddy cop action comedy, ‘Hot F...
Nothing beats escaping the hustle and bustle of London by visiting one of the quaint English villages nearby. But what if we told you that this is also possible half the world away? Well, welcome to Thames Town, a&helli...
Birmingham has a lot of good things to be proud of, but there’s no getting around the fact that there aren’t any beaches. There is a small benefit to being stuck in the middle of the country, however, as…...
One of the few joys of a long motorway drive is stopping off at a service station. Whether off to Wales, London or the Lake District, a toilet break, a refuel on fast food and high street coffee, and some good ol’ peopl...
You’re never too old to be hanging out with Mum and Dad. Nearly one in every four families (22.4%) has an adult child still living with them, so why shouldn’t you be holidaying with your parents too? Whether it’s a&hell...
My two least favourite things about Birmingham? I’ll likely never be able to afford a house here and there are people everywhere I go. Like every Brummie, I’m constantly threatening to pack it all in and move to the mid...