Do you want to throw a BBQ this weekend but don’t want to fork out on all the equipment? What if you need to iron a shirt for a special occasion, but don’t know your neighbours well enough? Or how about fixing that hole in your dress, but no one in your family owns a sewing machine… There’s no longer a need to splash the cash on one-time-use items, The Borrow Shop has the solution.
If you’ve been wandering through the Jewellery Quarter lately, you might have spotted this coffee shop on your wanders. You might have even popped in for a cup of coffee and a slice of cake. What many might not have noticed is that The Borrow Shop also doubles as a ‘library of things‘.
The idea for it came to Sophie during lockdown 2020. Like many of us, she was keen to try new things, deep clean the house and tackle some DIY to stave off the boredom during this time. But she also didn’t want blow all her money (or have to store and maintain) all the bulky equipment associated with such endeavours. That’s when it hit her. “People in community should be able to access expensive items and things only used a few times a year at an affordable rate,” she said.
How does The Borrow Shop work?
All you have to do is become a member, which costs £20 a year. Now that’s a bargain! From then on, you’ll have access all the items in The Borrow Shop’s library of things. Plus, you a free hot drink upon signing up.
Suddenly you’ll have access to a range of ‘things’ without having to splash the cash. This includes anything from airbeds, pasta makers, sewing machines, drills, step ladders, carpet cleaners and so much more. All yours for varying hire prices. You can learn more about the process here.
Of course, The Borrow Shop is also an all-round great coffee shop too. It’s worth heading here to simply unwind with a coffee and some vegan cake after a long day walking around the Jewellery Quarter.