Times are tough and the cost-of-living crisis is still impacting many of us. Trying to find ways to cut costs is vital in times like these. So slashing the prices on unnecessary privileges is a great way to save a pretty penny or two.
Manchester-based graffiti artist and muralist Qubek, who has been called Salford’s Banksy, will be in Birmingham tomorrow (February 16) highlighting one way to save money. He’ll perform a live street art stunt at Birmingham’s Grand Central highlighting the huge amounts of money Brits waste on bulky TV packages.
From 9am, people passing through Grand Central Station’s food court will bear witness to live graffiti art featuring upcycled, redundant TV tech. Best known for his Bee in the City mural in Manchester, Qubek will continue his thought-provoking street art style this Thursday. Transforming old TV satellite dishes, symbols of archaic technology, into Instagram-worthy wall art.
This street art stunt, titled Dish it Out, is being performed in collaboration with TalkTalk. They want to highlight that too many Brits are spending far too much on lengthy, expensive and bulky TV packages. Think about it: how many TV channels do you actually watch over a week, a month or even a year?
Jonathan Kini, Managing Director of TalkTalk Consumer said: “We’re aiming to highlight that you don’t need to break the bank when it comes to TV. Old tech often takes up lots of space, while some of the newer TV packages come with a big price tag and lengthy contracts.”
To coincide with the performance, TalkTalk will dish out £100 gift vouchers to 20 lucky people. All you need to do is: Post a picture of the artwork on Instagram stories or Facebook stories, tag @TalkTalk and use the hashtag #DishitOut.