Blue Monday is notoriously said to be the most depressing day of the year. But that theory probably doesn’t stem as far back as you might think. The date, usually falling on the third Monday of January, actually comes from an equation published by the UK travel company, Sky Travel, in 2005.
Its calculations took into account such factors as weather, time since Christmas, debt levels and low motivation. Landing on this rough date as the bluest day of the year. But in truth there is little scientific evidence to support it. With units of measurement ill-defined, Blue Monday has largely been dismissed as codswallop.
Even so, this time of year is still tough on everyone; the weather is bleak and our funds are low. We expect everyone needs a pick-me-up today (Monday 16) and luckily one has arrived in Birmingham just in time for this Blue Monday. On this day only, several S.A.D. billboards have popped up around the city emitting warmth to all passersby.
Working similarly to S.A.D lamps, these glowing digital billboards emit enough light to help boost serotonin levels too. And between the hours of 4 and 8pm, everyone is welcome to bask in their glow at five locations around the city. You’ll find them on Corporation Street, High Street, Ladywell Walk, New Street and Smallbrook Queensway.
Created by Saatchi & Saatchi in partnership with the supplement brand Solgar, the screens will use Ocean Outdoor technology to uplift Birmingham with some much needed light therapy. While similar billboards have also appeared in commuter areas in London and Manchester.
Light therapy simulates sunlight, often lacking during winter months, reducing melatonin (a sleepy hormone) and increasing serotonin (a mood-boosting). So don’t rush home from work this Monday evening. Why not take a detour to one of these sunlight-inspired billboards on this blue day? Both your body and mind will thank you for it.